- Development of eco-friendly technologies for safe packaging, storage, handling and transportation of agricultural, horticultural, aquaculture and animal produce.
- Modified and controlled atmosphere packaging, intelligent packaging, vacuum packaging solutions to fresh, minimally processed and value-added products from fruits and vegetables.
- Housing structures for animal, poultry, fisheries etc. in order to enhance productivity and comfort.
- Basic and applied research on development of rapid methods for quality evaluation of valuable agricultural produce.
- Utilization of agricultural wastes/residues for development of packaging materials and other commercial application.
- Human resource development and protocols for storage of durables and perishables.
Ongoing Institute
Powdering Technology for preservation and value addition of selected agricultural commodities
Dr. Dr. S.K. Tyagi (PI), Dr. Deepak Raj Rai (Co-PI) and Dr.Mathew Prasad in place of Rajbir Singh (Co-PI), Er. ARP Kingsley (Co-PI)
1) Standardization of dehydration technologies for banana, papaya and mangoes 2) Design and development a dehydrator for low temperature drying of selected commodities 3) Preparation of de- odored and fruit flavored soya milk powder and its appropriate packaging 4) Preparation of naturally flavored instant soya-tea 5) To study cost economics of the developed products
1) Standardization of dehydration technologies for banana, papaya and mangoes is completed. 2) De- odored and fruit flavored soya milk powder has been prepared. 3) Naturally flavored instant soya-tea in powder form has been prepared.
Rapid identification and detection of microbes in poultry meat using IR spectroscopy and chemometrics
Manpreet Kaur Grewal (PI), Pranita Jaiswal (Co-PI)
1. To acquire the spectral signature of selected microbes using IR Spectroscopy 2. To develop calibration models for different microbes using chemometrics 3. To standardize the procedure for poultry meat
(a) Procurement of culture from respective agencies (b) Revival of microbial cultures (c) Acquisition of Spectral signature of poultry specific microbes
Development of partial dewatering process for value addition and safe storage of onion
Er. Manpreet Kaur Grewal(PI) and Dr S N Jha
1. To optimize partial dewatering process of onion for preparation of juice, pulp and powder. 2. To evaluate the physicochemical and microbial quality of fresh, processed and stored products. 3. To establish the pilot scale onion processing plant and conduct entrepreneurship development program
Process for manufacturing long shelf life onion powder using dewatering process have has successfully been developed
Development of microorganism based ripening/anti-ripening agent for mango and banana
Dr. P. Jaiswal(PI) and Dr S N Jha
1. To isolate and characterize surface micro-flora from mango and banana, with storage, exploration of possibility of predicting them using NIR spectroscopy. 2. To evaluate role of selected microorganisms on physicochemical properties of fruits during storage. 3. To develop ripening/anti-ripening agent for mango and banana
• Isolation, enumeration of surface micro-flora from mango and banana with storage. 17 bacterial and 21 fungal isolates were purified and maintained for further characterization
Shelf-life extension of meat and meat products using natural extract and vacuum packaging as hurdles.
Dr. Suresh K Devatkal
1. To evaluate the phenolic contents, antioxidant effect and antimicrobial effect of pomegranate peel extract in meat and meat products. 2. To evaluate the physicochemical, sensory and microbial quality of meat and meat products containing pomegranate peel extract under vacuum packaging.
1. Optimization of time and temperature for extraction of pomegranate peel extract and evaluation of antioxidant properties of pomegranate peel extract. 2. Development of antibacterial and antioxidant extract from pomegranate peel extract 3. Successful in-vitro studies for establishing antioxidant effect of pomegranate peel extract in chicken and goat meat. 4. Successful in-vitro studies for establishing antibacterial effect of pomegranate peel extract against pseudomonas stutzeri, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus. 5. Successful isolation and molecular characterization of pseudomonas stutzeri isolated from poultry meat.
Packaging and allied applications for bioactive compounds, antioxidants and microbiological safety of fresh and fresh cut fruits and vegetables.
Dr. Manjunatha, M. (PI), Dr. Rahul Anurag
1. To apply packaging and allied technologies for storage of selected fresh and fresh cut vegetables 2. To evaluate the shelf life, bioactive compounds, antioxidants and microbial safety of stored vegetables 3. To optimized the safe shelf life of selected fresh and fresh cut vegetables vis-a via quality and microbial safety
* Respiratory behaviour of jamun, fenugreek has been studied * Active MAP of Cauliflower using moisture absorbents viz. Paddy Husk and Silica Gel has been studied.
Research Paper: 2
Effect of cooling systems on thermal comfort and production of poultry birds
Dr. Chopra PI and Dr. D. R. Rai , CIPHET and Dr. Nagra & Dr. Kaur, GADVASU
i.To assess the temperature and humidity conditions in the poultry shelters using different cooling devices ii. To study the effect of cooling devices on growth and carcass characteristics of broiler chicks iii. To evaluate the effect of cooling systems on egg production and quality in the laying hens iv. To study the impact of different cooling devices on comfort and welfare of broiler and laying hens
Segregation of the poultry shelters in experimental units The fan-pad and fan-fogger cooling systems have been installed and is in operation in the shelters for laying hens of deep litter and cage system
Development of cooling systems for comfort and enhances production of dairy cow
Dr. S. Chopra (PI) & S N Jha,Dr. Mehra & Dr. Malhotra
i. To assess the temperature and humidity conditions for cow in the cooled shelters ii. To design and develop the cooling system for cow iii. To evaluate the effect of cooling systems on production of dairy cow
(a) The fanR11;pad and fanR11;fogger cooling systems have been installed in the shelters (b) The operation of the cooling systems has been started.
Ongoing External Funded
NBAIM Coordinated project under AMAAS � Optimization of parameters for production of cellulase, ethanol and feed supplement using rice straw, kinnow waste and pea pods
Dr. H S . Oberoi and Dr. V K Bhargav and Dr. P. Jaisawal
i. Development of microbial consortium of organisms for cellulose degradation, hexose and pentose fermentation and optimization of operating parameters such as hydrolysis treatments, substrate and inoculum composition, pH, temperature, aeration etc for cellulase and ethanol production. ii. Optimization of pelletization process for paddy straw and kinnow waste iii. Optimization of downstream processing parameters for recovery and purification of cellulase and ethanol iv. Use of basic molecular biology techniques such as mutagenesis, protoplast fusion etc for developing recombinants especially for ethanolegenic strains. v. Evaluation of residues after fermentation for suitability as feed supplements
Process developed: 1 No Products: 6 cellulolytic and pentose fermenting microbial strains
Research papers in Referred Journals: 2 No
Completed Institute
Processing and utilization of beetroot and carrot for value addition in health foods.
Dr. Mridula Devi (PI) and Dr. Dilip Jain (Co-PI) (Dr S.K. Tyagi and Dr D.R. Rai up to June 2008)
1) To standardize process technology for making beetroot and carrot powder for making value added product. 2) To utilize beetroot and carrot powder for development of nutritious health foods (drinks) based on food grains rich in proteins and micronutrients. 3) To study the shelf life of beetroot and carrot powder.
1) Beetroot powder making technology 2) Carrot powder making technology 3) Carrot kheer mix formulation 4) Value added health mix with beetroot and carrot 5) Dried beetroot supplemented biscuits and extrudates. 6) -carotene rich biscuits and extrudates.
Research papers: Mridula D., Naveen Kumar M, Dilip Jain, S.K. Tyagi and D.R. Rai. Effect of addition of beetroot powder on physical properties and acceptability of defatted soya flour fortified biscuits, 2009, 46(2): 59-69.
Presentations in Conferences/other forum: Mridula D and Dilip Jain. Quality Characteristics of Dried Carrot Based Carotene Rich Extruded Snack Food. Paper presented in XLIVth ISAE Convention & Symposium at IARI, New Delhi during January 28-30, 2010 (Abstract No. DFE-2010-34). Mridula D and Dilip Jain. Physico – chemical properties and acceptability of beetroot added extruded snack food. Paper presented in XLIVth ISAE Convention & Symposium at IARI, New Delhi during January 28-30, 2010 (Abstract No. DFE-2010-33). Project profile for production of beetroot powder was prepared and submitted to office. Beetroot powder CIPHET E-News Letter, July 2008, Vol. 3, No.7, p12-13. Organized EDP on “Processing of Beetroot and Carrot for Making Powder” during 24-30 January 2009.
Post-harvest management and value addition in coriander and cumin seed spices
Dr. Vinod K Bhargav Er. R K Vishawakarma and Dr O P Aishwath
1. To optimize the harvesting stage in coriander production system for quality improvement<br> 2. To develop threshing and primary processing gadgets in post harvest system of coriander<br> 3. To develop de-bearder for cumin<br> 4. To study drying behaviour of coriander under different drying system<br> 5. To develop a splitter to split coriander into dhal for seed purpose<br> 6. Utilization of coriander straw for value added products
Products/Machinery : Two no (Coriander Splitter and portable solar dryer) Processes : 1 no (for essential oil extraction) EDP : one
Production of amylases, proteases and pectinases using agricultural and horticultural residues as supplements
Dr. H S Oberoi, Dr. K Narsaiah, Dr. Devinder Dhingra and Dr. Jatinder Singh
i. Optimization of Solid state fermentation parameters using substrates like fruit residues, lignocellulosic material like rice straw for production of enzymes<br> ii. Partial purification and characterization of the consortia of produced enzymes<br> iii. Evaluating the potential of crude/ partially purified enzymes in oil recovery, dhal milling and fruit juice extraction and clarification
Products : Hyper cellulase and pectinase producing strains of T.eesei and A. niger have been used for production of enzymes employing SSF
In Referred Journals: 3 no
Identification and evaluation of appropriate packaging for minimal processing of selected fruits and vegetables
Dr D R Rai, Dr K Narsaiah Dr. K Narsaiah and Dr. D K Bharti
i. To prepare minimally processed fruits and vegetables and study their metabolic behaviour. ii. To develop the equipment for minimally processed produce, wherever necessary. iii. To apply modified atmosphere packaging technique to minimally processed produce and to assess its quality and shelf-life under different environment conditions. iv. To study the potential of value-addition, economics and marketability of minimally processed produce. v. Preparation of project profile on minimally processed produce for income and employment generation.
Process: 6 no (Protocol for minimal processing and packaging of carrot, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, moong bean sprouts, pumpkin) Machine: Basket centrifuge to remove surface moisture of washed vegetables
Application of modified atmosphere packaging and storage of fresh vegetables
Dr. D R Rai, Dr. S N Jha
i. To apply modified atmosphere packaging to the selected vegetables. ii. To store the packaged vegetables under different environmental conditions. iii. To evaluate the effect of MAP on the shelf-life and quality of stored vegetables. iv. To evaluate per cent reduction in post-harvest losses.
Process: 4 no (MAP Protocols for Okra, spinach (shelf life 10 days), betel leaf (pan, shelf life 10 days), broccoli (shelf life 10 days
Research Papers in referred journals: 4 no Technical bulletin: 1 no
EDPs: 2 no
Development of post-harvest processing machinery for makhana processing & value addition
Dr. S N Jha, Dr. Janardan Jee and Dr. B K Jha
i. To design, fabricate & test the Euryale ferox seed (Makhana Gurri) popping Machine ii. To study the possible unit operations using the above developed machine to decorticate the Euryale ferox seeds for getting the un-popped kernel for exploring their uses in terms of makhana flour/industrial purposes iii. To develop a process for manufacturing of grinding of popped/un-popped kernels and adopt/fabricate/modify a suitable machine for the purposes
Two no (Makhana popping m/c & Ready to constitute makhana kheer mix)
Research Papers in Referred Journals: Two no Technical/popular articles : Two no
Optimization of fermentation parameters for bio-ethanol production using whey and vegetable wastes using different microbial strains in a batch type fermented
Harinder Singh Oberoi, PI, VK Bhargav, Co-PI, D Dhingra, Co-PI, BS Chadha, Co-PI
i. Screening of different microbial cultures such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Klyuveromyces marxianus for ethanol production using whey ii. Optimization of substrate composition for achieving significant ethanol concentration iii. Optimization of operational parameters for maximizing the ethanol productivity iv. Scale up of the process at a batch fermenter level
(a) Products/Process: Strain screening has been completed. All the operational parameters have been optimized and substrate combination studies have been completed at a shake flask level (b) Machine: one no (30 l fermenter has been customized (designed) with specific controls)

Dr. Sandeep Mann (Head AS&EC)
Designation: Head, AS&EC & Pr. Scientist
Qualification: Ph.D
Contact No.: +91-161-2313109
Email ID: Sandeep.Mann[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in,
Research Interests:
Modified Atmosphere Storage. On farm handling & storage of Agriculture produce. seed processing, drying and dehydration of biomaterials. Expert system development

Dr. Ramesh Chand Kasana
Designation: Acting Head, AS&EC & Pr. Scientist
Qualification: Ph.D
Contact No.: +91-161-2313170
Email ID: rameshkasana[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Research Interests: Microbiology & Nanotechnology
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Smt. Surya
Designation: Scientist (SS)
Qualification: M.Sc. (Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology)
Contact No.: +91-161-2313194
Email ID: surya[dot]kadian[at]gmail[dot]com
Research Interests:
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Smt. Poonam
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: Ph.D (Biochemistry)
Contact No.:
Email ID: poonam[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in, poonam[dot]choudhary98[at]yahoo[dot]com
Research Interests: Plant Biochemistry
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Dr. Thingujam Bidyalakshmi Devi
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: Ph.D
Contact No.:
Email ID: bidyala[at]gmail[dot]com
Research Interests: Food grains and oilseeds processing, byproduct utilization
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Er. Akhoon Asrar Bashir
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: M.Tech, NET
Contact No.: +91-161-2313167
Email ID: akhoonasrar[at]gmail[dot]com
Research Interests: Agricultural Structures and Environmental Management
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Dr. Ravi Prakash
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: M. Tech. & Ph.D. (Dairy Engineering)
Contact No.:
Email ID: rdwivedi[dot]prakash[at]gmail[dot]com
Research Interests:
Cold-Chain, Energy-Storage, Nanofluids, Phase-Change-Materials
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
- Successfully developed a Lab prototype of “Rechargeable Milk-Pail and a charging unit thereof”, at ICAR-NDRI, for chilling the fresh raw milk from the milking points in the rural areas. The unit is intended for immediate chilling and containing the fresh raw milk. The advanced features are enhanced energy storage rates, rapid milk cooling and ease of handling.
- Successfully developed a lab scale unit and novel methodology at ICAR-NDRI for “Fabricating low cost self-stable nano-dispersion for enhanced energy storage/exchange applications”.
International Awards
- BRICS Young Innovator, First Prize, 2019, from the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) co-operation Ministry, awarded in Brazil during the 4th BRICS-Young Scientist Conclave-2019 (Cash Prize : USD 25000).
- DST-Lockheed Martin-Tata Trusts, India Innovation Growth Program (IIGP)-Award-2019, from Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) & DST, Govt. of India (Research Grant : INR 10 Lakhs).
National Awards
- BIRAC-Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Award-2018, from Honorable President of India (Research Grant: INR 15 Lakhs).
- Winner in “Agri-India Hackathon-2021” organized by ICAR-IARI and Pusa-Krishi, Sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare, Govt. of India.
- Awardee, Biotechnology-Ignition-Grant (BIG) from BIRAC, Govt. of India, in 17th Call, 2021 (Research Grant : INR 50 Lakhs) for developing a farm-level centralized charging set-up (multi-pail system) for NePCM based milk pails.
- Winner-Animal Husbandry Start-up Grand Challenge 2.0; 2022, (for development of low-cost milk chilling device and data-logger) sponsored by Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India, Award presented by Honourable Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India.
- First Place in “Daikin Global Poster Design Competition-2019“, for the best innovation in the field of Refrigeration and Cold-Chain, Honoured by Refcold & Indian Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), India.
- Platinum Award Winner in KPIT-Sparkle-2021 contest, for the best innovation in “Energy & Mobility”, from Honourable Minister of Road Transport and Highways of India.
# Best Poster Awards: 02; Best Research Paper Awards: 02; Fellowships: 02; Appreciation certificate: 01.
National level entrance exams:
- GATE-2013 Qualified in Engineering Sciences (AIR 271 in Engineering Sciences Stream).
- ICAR-National Eligibility Test (NET) Qualified in 2017 in Agricultural Process Engineering Stream for eligibility of Assistant Professorship/Lectureship.
- Rank 21, in AIEEA-PG (Dairy Engineering/Technology), 2014 conducted by ICAR.
- Rank 1, in All India level PhD Entrance Examination conducted by ICAR-NDRI in 2016.
- Interviewed by All India Radio for an Episode “Parikrama” broadcasted on 23rd Nov, 2019 at 16.30-17.00.
- Invited Talk in District Development Managers’ Meet at NABARD, Bangalore on 14th Jan,
- Invited as a Speaker in 9th National Seminar on “Entrepreneurship in Dairy & Food Industry: Concept to Commercialization” organized by NDRI-Graduates Association & ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal on 14-15 Sep, 2018 at ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal.
- Invited as a Lead Speaker in 47th Dairy Industry National Conference, Feb 7-9, 2019, Patna, Bihar, organized by Indian Dairy Association.
- Invited as a Speaker in 4th Convention and Alumni Association, College of Dairy Technology, Warud (Pusad), Yavatmal, Maharastra, 14-15 Dec, 2019, India.
- Invited for a motivational talk for ICAR-NDRI students on “Science, Spirituality & Mind Management, May 20, 2022, presided by Director, ICAR-NDRI, at Dr. D. Sundaresan Auditorium, NDRI, Karnal.
- Short term course on “Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis”, July-Sep, 2018, at Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Bangalore.
- Hands on Training on “Nanofabrication Technologies”, under INUP program of MeitY, Govt. of India, 12-22 Feb, 2019, at CeNSE, IISc, Bangalore.
- “Design Thinking and IP Workshop: IPR Filing and Prosecution”, 4-7 Aug, 2020, at IIT, Bombay.
- “SINE-Start-up Training to Achieve Right Target”, 4 weeks training program for early-stage-innovators, 6th Oct-11th Nov, 2021, organized by SINE-Incubator, IIT-Bombay.
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:
- Ravi Prakash, Manjunatha, +7. (2018) Design and development of nanofluid based extended surface module for milk cooling, Indian Pat. # 201811021472. Status: FER defended, Grant Awaited.
- Ravi Prakash, Menon Rekha Ravindra. (2020) A pail for cooling milk simultaneous to milking. Indian Pat. # 202011033807. Status: FER defended, Grant Awaited.
- Ravi Prakash, Menon Rekha Ravindra, Devaraja Hosapalya Chikkathimmaiah. (2021) Self-Stable Metal Ion Based Nano-dispersion for Thermal Energy Storage and Exchange and the Method of Preparation Thereof. Indian Pat. # 202111026625. Status: Filed, Published, Examination under process.
List of Research Publications (02)
- Ravi Prakash, Menon Rekha Ravindra, Heartwin Amaladhas Pushpadass, Muniandy Sivaram, S Jeyakumar, K Jayaraj Rao (2022). Milk chilling using nanoparticle enhanced phase change material capsuled inside a jacketed cylindrical module: A numerical and experimental study. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, Volume 81, 103112. (Impact Factor 7.104; NAAS Score: 13.10).
- Ravi Prakash, Menon Rekha Ravindra (2023). Cold thermal energy storage for milk chilling: A numerical and experimental study. Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 337, 111223. (Impact Factor 6.203; NAAS Score: 12.20).
# Review Papers: 6; Full Length Conference Papers: 8; Abstracts: 13.
Book Chapters (03)
- Ravi Prakash, Menon Rekha Ravindra and M. Manjunatha, Enhanced Heat Transfer with Nano-Fluid Media: Principles, Methods, and Applications in the Dairy Industry, Nanotechnology Applications in Dairy Science Packaging, Processing, and Preservation, CRC, Apple Academic Press, FL, USA, Vol 26. ISBN: 9780429425370.
- Ravi Prakash, Menon Rekha Ravindra, Energy Storage using Phase Change Materials: Principles, Methods, Numerical Simulations, and Applications in Food Processing. Handbook of Research on Food Processing and Preservation Technologies. Ed.1. CRC, Apple Academic Press, FL, USA, Vol 3: 12-32, ISBN: 9781003184591.
- Ravi Prakash, Menon Rekha Ravindra, Robotic Engineering: A Tool for Quality and Safety of Foods. Handbook of Research on Food Processing and Preservation Technologies. Ed.1., CRC, Apple Academic Press, FL, USA, Vol 5: 11-21, ISBN: 9781003184720.

Dr. Shrikrishna Shrinivas Nishani
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: Ph.D.
Contact No.:
Email ID: shrikrishna.nishani[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests:
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Dr. Abhinav Dubey
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: Ph.D.
Contact No.:
Email ID: abhinav.dubey[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests:
Agriculture Structures, Storage, Post Harvest Unit Operations.
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Awards: ICAR JRF 2016 (AIR-01), ICAR SRF 2018 (AIR-01)
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:
Publications: Research Paper (03) Popular Article (11)
At present there is no content available for this page, once content will be available would be updated.
About Lab
- Agricultural Structures & Environment Control Lab – (Language – English)
- Livestock ProductsProcessing Lab – (Language – English)
- Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Unit – (Language – English)
- Non Destructive Quality Evaluation Lab – (Language – English)
- Food Packaging and Transportation Lab – (Language – English)
Fraction collector
The fraction collector is used for partial purification of enzymes
Environment chamber
It is used for carrying out solid state fermentation studies Low temperature freezer it is used for storage of enzyme substrate and live microbial culture.
Elisa reader
It is used for highly specific enzyme assay such as =538;- glucosidase or cellulobiohydrolyase
It is sued for freeze drying of microbial culture, enzyme and volatile compounds
Fermenter (30L)
It is used for conducting scale up studies of optimized parameters
Fermenter ( 2.5L )
It is used for process optimization and fermentation studies for enzyme and ethanol production
Ethanol biosensor
Ethanol biosensor is used for precise estimation of ethanol using immobilized membrane based technology
Ethanol bio sensor
Ethanol biosensor is used for precise estimation of ethanol using immobilized membrane based technology
It is being used for estimation on monosaccharide, polysaccharides, organic acid and inhibitory compounds such as furfual and HMEs
Other auxiliary Instruments/Machines/equipments
a. Distillation unit b. Liquid warmer c. High temperature oil bath d. Electronic weighing balance e. Hot air oven f. Vortex shaker g. Magnetic stirrer h. Plate heater i. pH meter j. Centrifuge k.Water bath
Ice flaking machine
This machine is used for making ice flakes. The ice flaking machine is used for various purposes where readymade ice flakes are required for day to day work in the lab.
It is generally used for making emulsions, suspensions etc. Homogenizer is used to emulsifying one liquid into another or uniformly dispersing solid particles throughout a liquid to improve important product qualities.
Refrigerated centrifuge
It is used to separate liquid solutions (at refrigerated temperature with different speed and time) into layers based on their mass. More massive components of the liquid are pressed toward the outside of the centrifuge with more force, so they settle to the bottom of the test tube. Less massive components settle in layers higher up, with the least massive at the top.
Spectrophotometer UV-VIS
The Spectro Scan 80DV has a wavelength range of 190 to 100nm. It is used for the analysis of foods and agricultural products for quantification of chlorophyll content, extent of browning etc. by measuring optical density of the solution at different wavelengths
Band sealer with nitrogen gas flushing
This machine is used for sealing various pre-made pouches with nitrogen gas flushing and it is a best sealing equipment to be widely used for sealing food & groceries, etc. Ideal for heat sealing of laminated or non laminate pre made pouches.
Heat sealer
Heat sealer is used to seal the packaging material for packaging of fresh and processed food products.
Vacuum packaging machine with gas flushing
It is used for “Modified Atmosphere Packaging” by two ways. In one way, it is used for vacuum packaging by removing atmosphere entirely from the package containing food products. It also used to alter the atmosphere by gas flushing (generally CO2 and N2) referred to as gas flushed packaging. In each case, the objective is to extend the shelf life of perishable foods, while at the same time maintain or improve the quality of the product
Water vapor permeability tester/WVP tester
Electrolytic detection method water vapor permeability tester is applicable for water vapor permeability test of various packaging materials (such as plastic films, laminated films, etc.).
Thickness tester
Thickness Tester is applicable in precise thickness test for plastic film, foil and other materials
Headspace gas analyzer
For analysis of oxygen and carbon dioxide in gas flushed (map) food packages. It can be used for analyzing oxygen and carbon dioxide in all types of packages.
Gas permeability tester (Labthink, Model BTY-B1P, China)
Gas permeability tester is used to measure permeability co-efficient of the packaging film for O2 and CO2 at definite conditions of temperature and humidity
Sausage Filler
It is used for the manufacture of different types of sausages, frankfurters, salamis and other exotic meat products. Major parts are different sizes of cylinders, Hydraulic press and a stage for holding the meat. It works on Hydraulic pressure.
Bowl Chopper/ Meat Cutter
It is important equipment used in meat processing. It is very much useful in the manufacture of emulsion type of meat products. It has a rotating bowl and a pair of sharp blades which helps in cutting the muscle and connective tissue structures. Further the larger size fat and protein particles are reduced to less that 100 micron.
Meat Grinder/Mincer
It is basic requirement in meat processing and development of value added products. The major parts are sharp blades, different size plates (8mm, 10mm and 12 mm) and a hoover/worom which pushes the meat chunks into the blade and plat. It is principally used to reduce the size of meat and fat particles
Micro Encapsulator
Effective in encapsulation of food ingredients, plant extracts, enzymes and probiotic micro-organisms to provide a protective coating.
Laminar Flow
Used for pouring and dilution series preparation in a sterilized environment
HPLC Assembly
Separation of components and pigments could be achieved for a given sample with different components
Gas Chromatography Assembly
Separation of components and pigments could be achieved for a given sample with different components
Environmental Control Chamber
Controlled heat treatment could be given up to 600C for effective drying of food product
Bod Incubator
Incubation could be given for the growth of specific microbes with specific heat and relative humidity.
Auto Titrtor
Used for estimation of moisture content in liquid food products, which could not be possible by the general method.
Hot Air Oven
Drying of varied type of food product could be achieved within wide range of temperature.
Orbital Shaker
Used for giving incubation along with shaking, in a controlled environment having significant importance in fermentation.
Ultra Filtration Unit
Ultra filtration system is used for purification and fractionation of biomolecules by means of membrane filtration.
Water Activity Meter
Used for determination of water activity. Effective in moisture content estimation of flour and dried food products.
Lab Staff
List of equipment/machines – (Language – English)
At present there is no content available for this page, once content will be available would be updated.