Prioritization Monitoring & Evaluation concept is a management tool in R&D system to enhance scientific productivity and is the requirement of most of the funding agencies. It helps in setting a unified priority and monitoring of externally funded and in-house projects. PME cell at CIPHET conducts Institute Research Council Meeting and maintains all research project files. The monthly, quarterly and six monthly reports of individual scientists are collated and compiled into progress Reports, Results Framework Document, quarterly and half yearly performance review reports. PME cell also acts as a link between the various regional committee meetings, directors conference etc. and the institute scientists. The exchange of information acts through PME Cell. The database of parliament questions and their answers, action taken reports, and issues related to scientific activities of the institute are dealt by PME Cell. In addition to this, the research information related to ongoing and completed research projects is uploaded through Project Information and Management System (PIMS) software to avoid duplication in research.

Dr. Dhritiman Saha
Designation: I/c PME Cell & Scientist (AS&PE)
Qualification: Ph.D
Contact No.: +91-161-2313123
Email ID: dhriti[dot]iitkgp[at]gmail[dot]com

Sh. Vishal Kumar
Designation: Technical Officer
Qualification: M.Sc.
Contact No.: +91-161-2313159
Email ID: vrohilla1974[at]gmail[dot]com
Research Interests:
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:
Mrs. Pragya Singh
Designation: Sr. Technical Assistant (Field Farm)
Qualification: M.Sc. Biotechnology
Contact No.:
Email ID: pragyasingh2592[at]gmail[dot]com
Research Interests:
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.: