Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU)
The Institute Technology Management Unit is responsible for IP protection, Management and Technology Transfer/Commercialization of technologies developed by the Institute
To encourage and accelerate the efforts towards development of technologies in the field of post harvest management and to facilitate the transformation of ideas, inventions and technologies developed by the Institute into commercial ventures to serve the society
- To create awareness about IPRs.
- IPR portfolio to manage.
- To provide prior art search/ patent search to Staff of the Institute.
- To facilitate commercialization of technologies.
ITMU since its inception has been involved in protection, management and commercialization of Intellectual property generated by the Institute. A total of 47 patent applications have been filed through ITMU out of which six patents have been granted. Vigorous efforts of ITMU lead to commercialization of 45 technologies developed by CIPHET.
Dr. Renu Balakrishnan Incharge, Institute Technology Management Unit Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology PO: PAU campus Behind GRD Academy/Radha swami satsansg-1, Humbran Road, Ludhiana-141004, Punjab, INDIA Phone No-0161-2313135 Fax no -0161-2308670 Email id: ciphet.icar[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Renu Balakrishnan
Designation: I/c ITMU & Scientist
Qualification: PhD (Agricultural Extension)
Contact No.:+91-161-2313135,2313143
Email ID: renu[dot]balakrishnan[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests: Impact Assessment, Entrepreneurship Development, Agribusiness
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.: