Major Programme
- Assessment of post-harvest losses and suggesting remedial measures for various commodities.
- Development of post harvest package for longer shelf life and long distance transport of selected fruits, cut vegetables and cut flowers.
- Methods for conservation of nutrients, flavour and texture through high pressure processing techniques for value added products from fruits & vegetables.
- Development of environment control system for surface covered cultivation and standardization of green house design for different agro-ecological environment.
- Development of prediction models for green house environment under various agro-climatic conditions.
- Development of low cost equipment for water and nutrients management through micro-irrigation system in the greenhouse.
- Development of dryers for drying of high value crops.
Completed Institute
Title: Evaluation of polymeric-film packaging for enhancing quality and shelf-life of apple
Team: A.K. Thkaur and Ramesh Kumar
To evaluate the polymeric-film packaging foe enhancing shelf life of apple.
Shrink wrapping and zip-lock envelop created a good protection to the apple fruit during storage under cold and ambient condition. Both the packaging drastically reduced the weight loss as an natural desiccation process. Firmness of the apple was maintained during the period of storage under shrink wrap and zip-lock envelop in comparison to the control sample that is unpackaged. Firmness retained more in cold stored samples as compared to room stored samples. Colour was also found good in case of both packaging as compared to control sample. However the recorded data was inconsistent. Overall the results of the individual fruit packaging was found encouraging and it has positive effect on quality & shelf life.
Title:Process development for production of raisin-like product from �perlette� grape
c) To evolve a process technology for production of raisin/raisin-like product from ‘Perlette’ grape. a) To study the shelf life and quality of raisin/raisin-like product under different packages and environment.
Raisins from the Perlette grape may be useful for secondary use like in bakery, deserts preparation and confectionary industries. It may not be acceptable for direct consumption as a dry fruit. Raisins from Perlette grape can be stored up to 6 months in air tight jars. The raisin like product (Pills or Candy) developed from the pulp of the Perlette grape was found a novel product, very much acceptable and promising product. The developed pills can be stored for more than 6 months at ambient condition (more than 12 months in refrigerated condition) without any change in quality. In a single line processing of Perlette grape, juice is extracted by hot processing and pulps are prepared by using the remaining mass of the grape. The juice can be used for preparation drink or for jellies and the pulp was used for raisin like pills and other product like jam.
Title: Studies on shrink packaging of selected fruit and vegetable
Team: Ramesh Kumar,Rajbir Singh and D.D. Nangre
a) To study the effect of different plastic film on storage behaviour of fruit and vegetable. b) To optimize the polyethylene film for individual shrink wrapping.
Tested the suitability of different plastic films and optimized the film thickness for individual shrink wrap packaging of kinnow, Capsicum and tomato. Established the comparative efficacy of various techniques of individual fruit packaging such as seal pack, cling-wrap and shrink-wrap for extending the storage life of kinnow, capsicum and tomato. Established the effect of varying environment viz. walk in cool chamber, evaporative cool chamber and ambient conditions on storage behaviour of kinnow, capsicum and tomato under Shelf life of shrink wrapped fruits and vegetables
Title: Studies on packaging and storage of Pomegranate Fruits
Team: D. B. Singh and R.K. Gupta
a) Increasing the shelf life of pomegranate and its arils. b) Value addition and improving marketing of the produce.
The shelf life of pomegranate fruits treated with 4% calcium chloride and packed in 5 ply CFB Boxes can be extended up to 90 days when stored at low temperature. Pomegranate arils treated with Chlorinated water (Sodium hypochloride 100 ppm) + Antioxidant (Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid) and packed in 25 µSemi permeable film and stored at Low temperature 5 ± 1º C maintains quality and shelf life up to 16 days. Anti oxidants were positive to reduce spoilage and retain chemical composition of arils.
Title: Post Harvest Quality Maintenance of Strawberry by Edible Coatings
Team: D.B. Singh and Rajbir Singh
a) Quality maintenance of strawberry fruits during storage and control of microbial spoilage. b) Increase in shelf life of strawberry fruits.
Aloe Vera gel applied as edible coatings in strawberry fruits effects in retarding the ripening process. The gel treatment/coating was effective as a physical barrier and thus reduces the weight loss, lowering the respiration rate during post harvest storage. Aloe vera delays colour change and softening of fruits. Maintains fruit quality in terms of TSS, acidity, vitamin C and reducing sugars. Organoleptic evaluation well confirmed these findings. Aloe vera gel 1:1 was found the best treatment for maintaining the quality of strawberry fruits during storage.
Title: Development of processing technology for guava leather, intermediate moisture fruit and nutrient rich beverages
Team: Ramesh Kumar, Satyabir Singh, Gautam Mandal and M.P. Singh
a) To develop suitable processing technique for different value added products. b) To optimize the process technology. c) To assess the quality of developed product during storage.
Optimized pre-processing treatments for extraction and preservation of guava pulp. Standardized operating parameters for preparation of plain and blended guava leather by evolving different sugar: acid blends, pulp proportions and cabinet drying temperatures. Optimized process technology for osmotic dehydration of guava fruit i.e. solute concentrations, process temperature, solid mass ratio and immersion time. Developed processing technique for preparation of whey based guava beverages with and without carbonation Assessed the storage stability of guava leather and dehydrated ring in different packing material such as PP, MPP, LDPE and Aluminum foils. Established the storage stability of ready-to-serve guava beverages under ambient and low temperature conditions.
Filed one patent on process technology for preparation of blended guava leather/bar (No 515/DEL/2008).
Title:Application of Greenhouse for Drying Onion Slices
Team:D. D. Nangare, Dattatreya M. Kadam, Rajbir Singh and Satyander Kumar
1) To study the drying behaviour of onion slices 2) To study the quality of dried product 3) To study the economics of utilization of low cost poly house for drying onion slices during summer
Dattatreya M. Kadam, D. D. Nangare, Rajbir Singh, Satyendra Kumar, (Accepted). Low Cost Greenhouse Technology for Drying Onion (Allium cepa L) Slices. Journal of Food Process Engineering. Dattatreya M. Kadam, D. D. Nangare, H. S. Oberoi (Accepted). Influence of Pre Treatments on Microbial Load of Stored Dehydrated Onion Slices. Journal of Food Process Engineering.

Dr. Amit Nath
Designation: Head, Regional Station, ICAR-CIPHET, Abohar
Qualification: Ph.D (Agriculture & Food Engineering)
Contact No.: +91-1634-225315 (O)
Email ID: amit[dot]nath[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in, amitnath2005[at]gmail[dot]com
Research Interests: Fruits, Vegetables, Spices, Cereals and LPT
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D: Post-Harvest Management, Processing and value addition of Agricultural commodities
Awards: Dr. J.S. Pruthi Award (2013) by AFST (India), Kunwar Saxena Bahadur Award (2014) from SRDA, Meerut, India and IAHF Fellow (2017) from Indian Association of Hill Farming, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya, India.
Publications: Filed two patents, published more than 70 research papers in peer-reviewed National & International journals, five books and 45 book chapters
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Dr. Ramesh Kumar
Designation: Acting Head, HCP & Pr. Scientist
Qualification: Ph. D.(Horticulture)
Contact No.: +91-1634-224024
Email ID: rkjangra7[at]gmail[dot]com
Research Interests: Post Harvest Management & Processing of fruits
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Dr. Arvind Kumar Ahlawat
Designation: Senior Scientist-Cum-Head, KVK
Qualification: Ph.D. Agricultural Botany
Contact No.: +91-1634-224024 (O)
Email ID: arvind[dot]ahlawat[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests:
(A) Basic & strategic research
- 88479 data points have been generated on various physico-chemical, biochemical, rheological and nutritional traits (grain Fe and Zn) of wheat, pearl millet and rice for product making quality of wheat for bread, chapatti, cookies, muffins etc.
- Profiling of major wheat varieties and creation of passport data for quality traits and their linked molecular markers.
- Developed 03 mapping populations and identified common genomic regions for QTLs involved in controlling grain micronutrients and other quality traits in wheat.
(B) Associations in Extension activities
- On-campus raising of varietal demonstrations of latest rabi crop varieties developed by the IARI in mustard, chickpea, lentil, and wheat(rabi) and their exposure to visiting farmers for faster dissemination.
- On-farm participatory varietal demonstration of improved wheat varieties developed by ICAR- IARI, New Delhi for enhanced varietal adaptation.
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D: Technological Innovations/ Development:
- Associated in development of 14 wheat varieties released and notified by the CVRC.
- Quality trait specific 09 wheat genetic stocks were registered with NBPGR, New Delhi.
- Associated in development of a portable ‘Durum Identification Kit’ and a cost effective ‘Test Weight Measurement Device’ for greater accuracy.
- Associated in developing nullisomic (1A, 6A) and di-telosomic (6AL) lines of durum wheat as part of developing celiac safe wheat genotypes.
- ICAR Cash Award Scheme 2018 for Technical Category in 2019.
- ICAR-Nanaji Deshmukh ICAR Award, 2019 for Outstanding Interdisciplinary Team Research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences under Social science Category
- Fellow- SAWR (Society for Advancement of Wheat Research, Karnal), 2014.
- Fellow, ISGPB (The Indian Society of Genetics &Plant Breeding, New Delhi), 2016.
- Two Best Poster Award
- Published more than 54 peer-reviewed research articles especially related to wheat quality traits of high impact in national and international journals.

Sh. Mahesh Kumar
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: M.Sc. (Plant Biochemistry)
Contact No.:
Email ID: mahesh[dot]samota[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests:
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Sh. Rajesh Kumar
Designation: Assistant Chief Tech. Officer (Field Farm)
Qualification: M.Sc. (Botany)
Contact No.: +91-1634-224024
Email ID:
Research Interests: To assist in maintenance of farm activities including Crop production, maintenance of revenue as well as Farm records
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Dr. Shilpa S Selvan
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: Ph.D
Contact No.:
Email ID: shilpa[dot]selvan[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests:
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Sh. Mohan Lal
Designation: Assistant
Qualification: 10+2
Contact No.: +91-1634-224024
Email ID: Mohan[dot]lal3[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests: Working in Purchase & Stores
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Sh. Devinder Kumar
Designation: Sr. Technical Assistant (Fitter)
Qualification: 10+2 pass & Apprentice in Fitter
Contact No.: +91-1634-224024
Email ID: devinderkumar145[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Research Interests: To assist in data analysis & fabrication of tools
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Sh. Ganpat Ram
Designation: Sr. Technical Assistant (Driver)
Qualification: Middle
Contact No.: +91-1634-224024
Email ID:
Research Interests: Maintenance & driving of institute
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Sh. Tarsem Singh
Designation: Assistant Administrative Officer
Qualification: B.A
Contact No.: +91-161-2313163
Email ID: Tarsem[dot]Purba[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests: Administration work
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Sh. Dalu Ram
Designation: Sr. Technical Assistant (Fitter)
Qualification: Matric & I.T.I. in Fitter
Contact No.: +91-1634-224024
Email ID:
Research Interests: To assist in fabrication work & maintenance in estate
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Sh. Surinder Kumar
Designation: S.S.S.
Qualification: Middle
Contact No.: +91-1634-224024
Email ID:
Research Interests: To assist in dispatch and bringing institute dak
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Sh. Prithvi Raj
Designation: Assistant Chief Tech. Officer (Field Farm)
Qualification: M.Sc. (Botany)
Contact No.: +91-1634 – 224024
Email ID:
Research Interests: To assist in data analyses in laboratory
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Dr. Rupender Kaur
Designation: Ph.D.(Home Sc. Ext. & Communication Management) Qualification: SMS (T-6) (Home Science) Contact No.: +91-1634-224024 Email ID: rupinder[dot]kaur[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests: Value addition and dairy farming practices
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
“Dairy farming practices for farm women”.
Medicinal qualities of Mustard oil.
Health benefits of lemon peel.
Small scale entrepreneurial development
Training effectiveness
Conducted 84 FLDs on drudgery reduction of farm women
Conducted 400 FLDs on Poshan Vatica for nutritional security of farm families
Delivered 170 lectures as a expert
Conducted 122 trainings for farmers and farm women and extension functionaries
Delivered radio talk — 6
TV talk:- 8
Conducted 15 exhibitions
Membership of 26 committees
Membership of 8 societies
Received Award for writing in Hindi at DRMR on Foundation day of ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur 2016.
Received Outstanding Interdisciplinary Team Research Award in National Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Allied Sciences (GRISAAS) during 12-13 Dec.2015 held at Ramata Vijayarae Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Gwalior (M.P.) organized by SSDAT, Meerut.
Received first award for poster on small scale processing in National Seminar organized by ISEE, New Delhi at SKRAU, Bikaner during 14- 16 Nov. 2019.
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:
Book in Hindi on FAL Sabji Parirakshan
Folder- 16
Popular Article- 23
Research Papers-12
Manual/Technical Reports-2
Book Chapters- 8
e-booklet on dairy farming
- Post Harvest diseases of Kinnow and their management
- CIPHET Rotany Maize Cob Sheller.
- Castor Depodder Decorticator
- Bemousame Sabji ,Utapadan Ke Liye Kam Lagat Ki
- Polyhouse Taknik
List of CIPHET Publications / Technical Bulletins / Project Profiles/ Pumphlets. – (Language – English)
About Lab
- Processing and product development laboratory – (Language – English)
- Prodcut Quality Analysis Laboratory – (Language – English)
Non Contact Thermometer
Measurement of temperature inside foods
Determination of viscosity of samples
Water activity meter
To measure the available water in food
Hand Colormeter
Measurement of colors
BOD Incubator
Incubation could be given for the growth of specific microbes with specific heat and relative humidity.
Vacuum Packaging Machine
Used for vacuum packaging by removing atmospheric gases entirely from the package containing food products to extend the shelf life of perishable foods, while at the same time maintains or improves the quality of the product
Sterilization of glasswares, media etc. for microbiology purpose
Head space gas analyzer
Estimation of gas concentrations in MAP food
Deep Freezer
For preservation of samples and costly chemicals at ultralow temperature
Vortex Shaker
Mixing of samples by shaking
Environmental Chamber
For growth of microorganisms at different environmental conditions
Incubator cum shaker
For growth of microorganisms at particular temperature under shaking condition
Laminar Air Flow
For aseptic maintenance and tranfer of microorganimsmal cultures
Universal Oven
To measure moisture content of samples and sterilization of glass-wares
For drying of samples at ultralow temperatures
Microwave oven
Microwave heating of samples
Water Bath
During analytical experiments to give a particular temperature
Vacuum Dryer
Drying of food samples by vacuum
For growth of microorganisms at particular temperature
Shrink Wrapping Machine
Wrapping of fruits and vegetables and other products using different plastic films
Distillation Assembly
For preparation of distilled water
Vacuum flesh evaporator
To do evaporation under vacuum
Weighing Balance
Weighing of chemicals/samples for analysis
To measure total soluble solids (Brix)
Sealing machine
Used for packing food products
Digital Microscope
For seeing micro objects like microorganisms viz. bacteria, fungus
Gas Liquid Chromatography
Separation and quantifiImage ofion of volatile components and pigments
UV/VIS Spectrometer
Determination of minute quantities of substances like micronutrients in agricultural soil, plants; organic components in biological matter; glucose, fructose etc in foods based on Lambert-Beer’s law
Texture Analyzer
Determination of textural properties such as rupture force, energy, cutting force strength etc. of food products
Lab Staff
List of equipment/machines – (Language – English)
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