Automation and sensor technology division is a new division inaugurated during 23rd RAC meeting, March 2021. The division aims at addressing the thrust areas such as Automation & Sensor enabling of machines already developed; Adaptation of technologies for indigenization; Automated controls for storage and animal housing; Robotics, IOT & block chains; and Sensing for food quality and safety. The mandate for the division has been identified as:
- Automation of post-harvest unit operations for better control, higher efficiency and viable economics
- Development of devices and protocols for sensor based quality assessment and ensuring food safety.
Ongoing Institute
IoT based modular monitoring and controlling system for cold chain

Dr. Ranjeet Singh
Designation: Acting Head, AST & Pr. Scientist (APE)
Qualification: Ph.D
Contact No.: +91-161-2313141
Email ID: Ranjeet[dot]Singh[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests: MAP, Active Packaging
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Dr. Leena Kumari
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: Ph.D
Contact No.: +91-161-2313176
Email ID: leenakumari68[at]yahoo[dot]com

Dr. Dhritiman Saha
Designation: Scientist (AS&PE)
Qualification: M.Tech (Dairy & Food Engg.)
Contact No.: +91-161-2313123
Email ID: dhriti[dot]iitkgp[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Navnath Indore Sakharam
Designation: Scientist (AST)
Qualification: Ph.D.
Contact No.: +91-161-2313166
Email ID: navnathindore177[at]gmail[dot]com
Research Interests: AS&EM
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Ms. Shaghaf Kaukab
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: M.Tech (AS&PE)
Contact No.:
Email ID: shaghaf[dot]kaukab[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests:
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Ms. Thongam Sunita Devi
Designation: Scientist
Qualification: M.Tech (AS&PE)
Contact No.:
Email ID: thongam[dot]devi[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests:
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Er. Yogesh Bhaskar Kalnar
Designation: Scientist (AS&PE)
Qualification: M.Tech. (Processing & Food Engg.)
Contact No.: +91-161-2313146
Email ID: Kalnar[dot]bhaskar[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in, yogeshkalnar2506[at]gmail[dot]com
Research Interests: Agricultural Engineering, Food Engineering, Application of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, Machine Vision, Automation in Post-Harvest Operations of agricultural produce.
- Awarded NETAJI SUBHAS – ICAR INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP for the year 2021-22 to carry out Ph.D. at Department of “Horticultural Engineering”, Leibniz-Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB), with registration at Technical University Berlin, Germany.
- Cleared and awarded IARI-Doctoral Research Fellowship with All India 2nd rank, in the discipline of processing and food engineering. (Year 2014)
- Best Technology award for portable UViC system for the year 2020 from ICAR-CIPHET Ludhiana
- “Best Employee Award” for the year 2018 in the category “ Scientist best in Extension Activities” at ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana
- NET: Qualified and awarded ICAR-NET (National Eligibility Test) Examination year 2014
- ARS: Qualified Agricultural Research Service (ARS Examination year 2014) conducted by ASRB, and joined as scientist, FOCARS Batch-103rd, from 1st Jan 2016
1. Name of the project: Development of Automatic Sorter/ Grader for Pomegranate and Tomato.
- Duration: April 2017 to September 2021
- PI/ Co-PI: PI
- Funding agency: ICAR-CIPHET
- Output: Automatic Sorter/ Grader machine for Pomegranate and Tomato.
2. Name of the project: Development of Photoreactor for Ethylene Degradation During Storage of Banana and Guava
- Duration: October 2020 to September 2023
- PI/ Co-PI: Co-PI
- Funding agency: ICAR-CIPHET
- Output: Modular system for ethylene management in storage as well as transport systems
3. Name of the project: Development of smart device for automatic detection and identification of insects in stored grains using machine vision technology
- Duration: April 2019 to March 2021
- PI/ Co-PI: Co-PI
- Funding agency: ICAR-CIPHET
- Output: Device which detects insects in the sample and give results either sample is infested or not
4. Name of the project: Trial on Storage Losses in the Newly Constructed Warehouse and Conventional Warehouses. (Externally funded)
- Duration: Oct 2018-Jan 2019
- PI/ Co-PI: Co-PI
- Funding agency: Central Warehouse Corporation (CWC)
- Output: Temperature and humidity profiling and comparable data on reasons of storage losses for the existing storage godowns.
5. Name of the project: Processing and Value Addition of Agricultural Produce for Enhancing Farmers Income and Employment in Production Catchment. (Externally funded)
- Duration: Feb 2018-March 2022
- PI/ Co-PI: Co-PI
- Funding agency: ICAR (Farmer FIRST Program)
- Output: Established agro-processing modules (Dal Mill, Pulveriser for spices grinding, Wheat mill, cling film wrapping machine, mini rice mill, Oil expeller, Destoner, cleaner and grader), Honey processing Unit, Chemical free jaggery production Unit in the production catchment for doubling the farmer’s income.
6. Name of the project: Non-Chemical management of stored-grain moths using flexible light-trap. (Externally funded)
- Duration: Oct 2020 to Sept 2023
- PI/ Co-PI: Co-PI
- Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST)
- Output: Management strategy for stored-grain moths using flexible light-trap
7. Name of the project: Network Program on Precision Agriculture: Assessing post-harvest quality and grading of agri-produces for efficient management of storage and post-harvest operations (NePPA) (Externally funded)
- Duration: August 2021-2026
- PI/ Co-PI: CC-Co-PI
- Funding agency: ICAR
- Output: Precise storage management and quality assessment tools/gadgets for fruits and vegetables.
8. Name of the project: “IoT-Based Real-Time Intelligent Monitoring and Controlling System for Cold Storage”
- Duration: April 2021 to March 2023
- PI/ Co-PI: Co-PI
- Funding agency: ICAR-CIPHET
- Output: Real-Time Intelligent Monitoring and Controlling System for cold chain
9. Name of the project: Performance evaluation of X- ray based fruit fly scanning machine (Consultancy project)
- Duration: 1 month
- PI/ Co-PI: Co-PI
- Funding agency: Indian Gherkins Exporters Association (IGEA) Bengaluru
- Output: Protocol for performance evaluation of the X-ray machine for fruits. Techno-economic assessment of the X-ray fruit fly scanning machine.
10. Name of the project: “Vision guided AI enabled robotic apple harvester” under the national program on electronics and ICT application in agriculture and environment (AgriEnics) (Externally funded)
- Duration: 2 years (Feb 2022- March 2024)
- PI/ Co-PI: CC-PI
- Funding agency: MeitY, Govt. of India.
- Output: Robotic system for Apple harvesting, Data set for the Apples
11. Name of the project: Performance Testing of Artificial Intelligence based MATT-Grain Quality Analyser (Consultancy project)
- Duration: 6 months (March 2021 – August 2021)
- PI/ Co-PI: Co-PI
- Funding agency: Nebulaa Innovations Private Limited, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- Output: Test protocol, Test report on AI based system and suggestions/advice for system modification.
12. Name of the project: Confidential Test Report on performance of ‘Optical Fruit Grading Machine’ (Consultancy project)
- Duration: 6 months
- PI/ Co-PI: Co-PI
- Funding agency: Zentron Labs Pvt. Ltd., No. 16, PSS Plaza Gr. Floor, New Thippasandra Main Rd, HAL 3rd Stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560075
- Output: Test Report on performance of ‘Optical Fruit Grading Machine’ and test protocols for testing of optical grading machines.
13. Name of the project: Confidential Test Report on computer vision-based physical grain analyzer, NIR based chemical assessment device and capacitance-based moisture meter (AgNext) (Consultancy project)
- Duration: 1 month
- PI/ Co-PI: Co-PI
- Funding agency: AgNext Technologies Pvt. Ltd.., /Surya Telecom Pvt. Ltd.
- Output: Confidential test report on performance of on computer vision-based physical grain analyzer, NIR based chemical assessment device and capacitance-based moisture meter and test protocols.
- Development of temperature and relative humidity measurement device for real time monitoring of spray chilling process.
- Design and development of smart solar dryer: Including phase change material, load cells for continuous monitoring of reduced weight by drying and automatic control system.
- No-Touch Automatic Dispenser for hand sanitization developed by ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana as a PI
- Development of portable smart ultraviolet-c disinfection system (UViC) as a Co-PI
- Working Model of automatic sorter system based on color. Reference: ICAR-CIPHET Annual report 2017-18 pp:12-13
- Working Model of automatic sorter system based on the weight of the product. Reference: ICAR-CIPHET Annual report 2017-18 pp-13
- No-touch automatic sanitizer dispenser system.
- Portable Smart Ultraviolet-C Disinfection System” (UViC).
- Data logger with GSM to get data remotely. Reference. ICAR-CIPHET Annual report 2017-18 pp14
- Development of pomegranate and tomato classifier (size, color, and defect) based on image processing and machine vision.
- Storage Insect detection cum counting system based on machine vision. Reference: ICAR-CIPHET Annual report 2019 pp:71
- Adjunct Professor, College of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, SDAU Sardarkrushinagar, Dantiwada, Gujarat. Duration: 21/ 08/ 2013 to 15/07/ 2014 (1 year)
- Guest Lecturer, College of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, SDAU Sardarkrushinagar, Dantiwada, Gujarat. Duration: 07/08/ 2012 to 20/08/2013 (1 year)
- Lecturer M-tech Scholar, College of Polytechnic in Agro-processing, Junagadh Agriculture University, Junagadh Duration: 22/01/ 2011 to 29/05/2012 (1.4 year)
- Yogesh Bhaskar Kalnar, Sandeep P. Dawange, Sandeep Mann, Bhupendra M. Ghodki and Th. Bidyalakshmi Devi (2022). Development of Sensor-based Automatic Colour Sorting System for Tomato. Journal of Agricultural Engineering (JAE), Vol. 59 (1); pp 47-60. doi:10.52151/jae2022591.1764
- Bidyalakshmi Devi Th and Kalnar YB. 2021. Design Consideration of Smart Solar Dryer for Precision Drying. Journal of AgriSearch. 8(2): 135-138
- Ghodki B.M., Srihari G., Dukare A.S., Kannaujia P.K., Kalnar Y.B., & Vishwakarma R.K. (2021). Potential Utilization of Guar Straw and Wood Wool in Controlling Relative Humidity and Temperature of Storage Environment. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 44(2), e13618 (NAAS Rating 7.70).
- Chavan P, Sidhu G K, Kalnar Y, and Raleng Performance and techno-economic viability of water-cooled thermoelectric refrigeration system for storage-cum-transportation of fruits and vegetables. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) (ISSN: 00845841). (Accepted for publication.)
- Nileshwari Yewle, Kishore Swain, Sandeep Mann, V. Chandrasekhar and Yogesh Kalnar (2019). Effect of polishing on chemical and engineering properties of yellow and black turmeric. Ann. , 8(2):85-92. NAAS Rating: 5.81
- M. ARYA, S. CHANDRA, Y.B. KALNAR* and S. SINGH, 2015. Effect of pre-treatments (blanching and soaking) on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) French fries. Green Farming Vol. 6 (6): 1-4; November-December 2015 NAAS Rating: 4.38
- C. BALANI, Y.B. KALNAR*, D.M. VYAS and S.H. SUTHAR, 2014. Extraction of oleoresin from rotten onion by supercritical CO2 extraction method. Green Farming Vol. 5 (4): 648-652. NAAS Rating: 4.38
- N. DESAI, S.H. SUTHAR and Y.B. KALNAR*, 2014. Study on physico-chemical properties of essential oil from dill seed (Anethum Graveolens L.). Green Farming Vol. 5 (6): 1073-1075 NAAS Rating: 4.38

Ms. Ritu Bharat Kukde
Designation: Scientist (AS&PE)
Qualification: M.Tech
Contact No.:
Email ID: ritubharat[dot]kukde[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests: Drying, storage, value addition
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:

Sh. S.S. Verma
Designation: Private Secretary
Qualification: Graduate
Contact No.: +91-161-2313116
Email ID: Sughar[dot]Verma[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
Research Interests: Administration Work
Major Research Accomplishments:
R & D:
Patents, Technology, Methodology, Genetic Stock, Variety, etc.:
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Sensors and automation laboratory
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